For Papers
The Third Workshop on Economics of Peer-to-Peer Systems follows the two
previous workshops, P2P Econ 2004,
P2P Econ
2003, and aims to bring together a diverse and interdisciplinary group of
researchers in systems, artificial intelligence, and economics.
From file-sharing to distributed computation, from application layer
overlays to mobile ad hoc networking, the ultimate success of a
peer-to-peer system rests on the twin pillars of scalable and robust
system design and alignment of economic interests among the
participating peers. The Third Workshop on Economics of Peer-to-Peer
Systems will bring
together researchers and practitioners from multiple disciplines to
discuss the economic characteristics of P2P systems, application of
economic theories to P2P system design, and future directions and
challenges in this area.
Topics of interest include, but are not
limited to:
- incentives and disincentives for cooperation
- distributed algorithmic mechanism design
- reputation and trust
- reliability, identity, and attack resistance
- network externalities and scale economies
- public goods and club formation
- accounting and settlement mechanisms
- payment and currency systems
- user behavior and system performance
- measurement studies
- leveraging heterogeneity without compromising anonymity
- economic impact to network providers
- interconnection of P2P networks
The program of the workshop will be a combination of invited talks, paper
presentations, and discussion.
Authors should submit a position paper that expresses a novel or
interesting problem, offers a specific solution, reports on actual
experience, or advances a research agenda. Papers will be selected
based on their originality, technical merit and topical relevance,
as well as the likelihood that they will lead to insightful discussions at the
workshop. Accepted papers will be published on the workshop website.